Is $500 A Low Deductible?

A $500 deductible is considered a relatively low deductible and may be a good option for those who want to balance their monthly premiums with their out-of-pocket costs.

Is A $1500 Deductible Bad?

A $1500 deductible may be considered high and could potentially make it more difficult to make a claim and get repairs or replacements done quickly.

Why Pay $500 Deductible?

Paying a $500 deductible may be worth it if it means getting repairs or replacements done in a timely manner and minimizing the overall cost of the claim.

Is A High Insurance Deductible Bad?

A high insurance deductible may be beneficial for those who want to lower their monthly insurance premiums, but it could also mean higher out-of-pocket costs in the event of a…

What Deductible Is Too High?

A deductible that is too high can potentially make it difficult or costly to make a claim and get repairs or replacements done in a timely manner.

Can You Fix A Rock Chip In Windshield Yourself?

It is possible to fix a rock chip in a windshield yourself using a specialized repair kit, but it's important to follow the instructions carefully and ensure that the repair…

How Do You Fix A Rock Hitting A Windshield?

To fix a rock hitting a windshield, you may need to use a specialized repair kit or get it professionally repaired or replaced.

What Does $1000 Deductible With Full Glass Mean?

A $1000 deductible with full glass coverage means that you'll need to pay $1000 out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in for any repairs or replacements to your…

Can Extreme Heat Cause A Car Window To Shatter?

Yes, extreme heat can cause a car window to shatter, especially if the window has existing damage or defects.

What Breaks Car Windows Easily?

Car windows can be broken easily by blunt force, such as a rock or a tool, or by extreme temperature changes.

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